Monday, May 12, 2014

2nd Grade- Expression Prints!

2nd grade has been learning about Expressionism for their art history unit. We began this unit by looking at a bunch of fun images from Expressionists and talked about what feelings and emotions were felt in each piece. For this project we focused on Edvard Munch's Scream. We talked about how different your face looks with different emotions. I then gave each student a piece of styrofoam and had them use a dull pencil or white colored pencil to draw a face with an emotion. They had fun with this and got really creative!
Next, I handed each student a white sheet of paper that would be their background. They had to fill up the paper with shapes, lines, and colors that represented the emotion they drew on their face. 

The next class I introduced them to printmaking and showed them the process. Then I let them loose to make their prints! I loved how they turned out! The expressive backgrounds made such a nice touch! 

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