Tuesday, September 17, 2013

4th Grade- Still Life

The type of line that we focused on in 4th grade was contour lines. We learned that contour lines showed the outside edges of an object, or an outline. We talked about how when most people draw or sketch, they use contour lines. We practiced looking more at what we were drawing than our papers. I told them to go really really slow and to take their time. I also told them to pretend that the outside edge of the objects was a road and their eye and pencil were cars. They needed to stay on the road with their cars. This helped them look closer at how the objects were shaped.

The first step was to do a contour drawing of the objects on their table, going really slow and taking their time. I wanted to them to draw the objects as they saw them in real life and not what they thought the objects looked like in their head. Then they outlined with a thin, black marker.

The next day, they colored them in with colored pencil. I told them they could get creative and color them however they wanted to. I emphasized how cool colored pencils look when they blend different colors together.

I think overall they turned out pretty good! We haven't gone over proportion or value yet, so they are pretty good for beginners!

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