Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kindergarten- Magic Carpets!

Kindergarten learned about all the different kinds of lines like wavy, bumpy, zigzag, straight, dotted, curly, and crazy. We put these lines to use in this super fun/cute project. I had previously cut 3inch strips of different colored construction paper. I gave each student 4 strips in different colors to work on. On each strip they were to pick a type of line we had studied, and then fill the strip up by repeating that line using different colors of crayons. Each of their four strips needed to show a different type of line repeated. I thought many of them would get confused by repeating the same line over and over, but they all got it for the most part.

Next, we glued the strips down on a larger sheet of construction paper. I demonstrated how to use the glue sticks correctly and told them to glue the strips down leave 3 finger spaces on both ends and make them 2 finger spaces apart. It was an easy way to measure for them.

Once we glued all of the strips down we added "fringe" like a real carpet by making tiny cuts along the sides of the paper.

They turned out soooooo cute!

And of coarse I had to make one too! :

The kids were really proud as well! Here are some of them showing off their carpets:

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