Friday, December 6, 2013

1st Grade- Texture Creatures!

For this project, we began the lesson by learning about texture. I had the students name textures and I wrote them on the board. I also made some hands out of cardboard and glued actual textures to each finger. I put the students into groups of 2 and had them feel the textures and talk about them to their partners. Then, I had the students fold a sheet of white drawing paper 4 times (making 8 rectangular sections when you unfold it). The students used crayons and texture rubbing templates to create a different texture in each section. They had to fill up their whole paper.

The next day we reviewed shapes (from their previous lesson) and I had them cover their whole texture paper with small, medium, and large shapes using a Sharpie. 

The students then cut out all of the shapes and assembled them together on a half sheet of colored construction paper in the shape of an imaginary creature from their own imaginations.

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