Friday, November 15, 2013

2nd Grade- Line Weavings!

Wow! It's been a very long time since I have posted anything :/ So now I am about to blow up the blog with all of the cool projects we have done since the last time I posted (which is a lot!).

This project was the first big project for second grade, and let me just say.. it took them FOREVER to finish it. I had never taught how to weave before and at first I was giving them too many steps at once to work on. They were pretty stressed. So I broke it down into really easy step-by-step instructions. I had them measure their papers with rulers to make the strips all the same size (measuring is one of their math standards). That part was pretty tricky for them but they eventually got the hang of it. Once they got the base mesured and cut they drew a different type of line on each strip with different colored crayons (we had previously talked about different types of line). The next step was to measure and cut the strips to weave and draw lines on them as well. Then came the weaving. I demonstrated multiple times and most students got it, but alot needed my assisstance to keep going. They had some trouble with the concept of alternating the strips.

Despite all of the time spent and all of the confusion, they loved the final results and they all turned out super great! It just proves that when you spend alot of time and hard work on something, it pays off!

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