Friday, November 22, 2013

4th Grade- Organic Shape Monsters!

To start out this lesson, the students viewed a PowerPoint of geometric and organic shapes. I included some interesting pictures (including Adventure Time) that demonstrated organic shapes and had the students come outline the shapes on the board with a marker. Then I handed out a small scrap sheet of notebook paper and told them to turn to their partners and describe the scariest monster they could imagine. Once they had time to share, I told them that they were going to come up with their own make believe monster. They had to answer these questions about it on their papers in complete sentences:
1. What does your monster look like?
2. How does it feel?
3. What does it do?
4. What is it called?
The next class they had to draw their monster with crayons on drawing paper. They could only outline (no coloring in) and the monster had to be made up entirely of organic shapes. 

The next class we learned how to do a watercolor resist and they painted their monsters. I loved the results so much that I had to post a lot of pics!


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