Thursday, April 24, 2014

3rd Grade- Surrealism!

For each grade this year, I focused on one period of art history. I chose Surrealism for third grade. We began the unit by viewing a PowerPoint about Surrealism. I made a packet to go along with the presentation that made the information more fun for the students. For instance, the had to write about a dream or nightmare and share it with their partners at their table. They loved looking at the crazy surreal images! 

I chose 2 projects to go along with our Surrealism unit. The first one was a dream collage. The students began this collage by looking at the artwork of Salvador Dali and talking about how wacky his art was. Then, they drew a background on a sheet of paper for the setting of their dream collage. 

The next class the students cut up images out magazines and combined them to make a crazy dream-like picture. When the projects were complete, I had students write 4 sentences about their work in the back. 

The second project I chose for the Surrealism unit was just a fun one-day project. Students began by folding their paper into thirds to create 3 different sections. In the top section they drew the head of a make believe creature, ending the neck at the folded line. 

Then they all passed their papers to the student to their right. That student then added the body. 

They passed their papers to the right again and that student finished the creature by drawing it's legs. 

The papers were then handed back to the original artist for them to finish as they wanted. 

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