Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kindergarten- Fun with Elmer!

I LOVE reading books to the kindergarteners and then making projects with them. For this project, I read the book Elmer to the students. The book is about a patchwork colored elephant who wants to be gray like the others. In the end, Elmer embraces who he is and the other elephants show their love for Elmer by having an Elmer's Day Parade in his honor. On Elmer's Day, Elmer wears gray like the normal elephants and the other elephants paint themselves colorful like Elmer. The book has a great lesson about being different and being content with who you are. 

After reading the book, students cut up little squares of tissue paper and glued them down randomly on a sheet if white paper, making a patchwork. The next day we drew our best elephants over our colorful squares in Sharpie and cut out our Elmer's. 

Once all the elephants were cut out, we had our own Elmer's Day Parade! We marched our Elmer's around the room to music and had a BLAST! (I even got a note from a student thanking me for letting them make Elmer)! 

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