Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Kindergarten- Cave Art!

I chose for Kindergarten to learn about cave art for their art history unit. I thought it was fitting considering that the cave people were the first artists and the Kindergarteners are just beginning art too! We began the lesson by viewing a PowerPoint about how cave people lived and made art. I included images from the movie The Croods for examples of cave people. They LOVED it and were very attentive. Next we used scrap paper to practice drawing different animals that the cave people hunted.

Next, I handed every student a price of brown paper. I showed them how to tear the edges of the paper off to look like a stone. Then they drew their animals on their "stone" just like the cave people did, using just black, red, brown, white, and orange. 

The last step was fun for the kids. We crumbled up the paper into a ball and then folded them back out flat. They really looked like stone then!

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